Saturday, December 8, 2007

Line Rider is Addicting!

So if any of you haven't played Line Rider, you're missing out. Well, I guess if you play games you're missing out. If you don't like to play games, you're not. Anyway, the way it works is, you draw a line, press the play button, and some little man on a toboggan rides on the line. Try it here. He can do pretty cool leaps and stuff if you really get good at it. Today's comic is a homage to the game.

JT & Tea by Joseph T. Gould

Monday, December 3, 2007

It's That Time of Year Again...

Finals are upon us, and with all of the stress, who couldn't use some unwinding? Tea has gotten herself in a bit of a bind. This comic was inspired by someone mentioning that they had to stud for their Yoga final. I guess they were serious...

JT & Tea by Joseph T. Gould
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